हिंदी वेबसाईट


Mahila Samruddhi Yojana

For any purpose (Evidence for purpose of Loan to be submitted)
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Personal Surety Installment Loan Scheme

For personal exigencies, House repairs, Deposit for acquiring house on rental basis, marriage in the family, medical/hospitalization expenses
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Vidya Loan Scheme

Fees: Admission, Tuition, Examinations Other expenses, Books, stationery, Instruments, Equipment, Hostel/Mess charges.
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Personal Consumer Installment Loan Scheme

For purchase of consumer durables household articles such as T.V. Refrigerators, furniture, Music systems, Computer and its accessories etc.
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Overdraft Against Demated Shares & Debentures

Personal exigencies, purchasing shares/debentures for genuine investments.
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Loan Against National Savings Certificate / KVP / Post- Office Deposit Recepts / Bonds

Personal exigencies / Business
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Loan Against Vehicles For Personal Use

For purchase of New/Old vehicle not older than 3 years for personal use.
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Loan against Gold

Personal exigencies/Agriculture (Not for speculation).
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Loan / Over Draft Against L.I.C. Policy

Personal exigencies/Business/Profession etc.
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Loan/Overdraft Against Bank's Term Deposit (Including Recurring Deposit)

Personal exigencies/Business/Profession
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Home Loan Scheme

  1. Purchase on Ownership basis 
    - Plot and construction of House thereon 
    - Flat in the proposed/established Co-Operative Housing Society / Schemes for SC / St / Slum clearance schemes with a guarantee of Govt. / Through Statutory Boards
  2. Major Repairs to House/flat
  3. Extension to existing house.

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Consumer Durable Loans

For purchase of consumer durables & Household articles such as T.V. Refrigerators, Music systems, Computer System, Laptops, Furniture - Sofas, Recliners
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Vehicle Loan - Two Wheelers

Purpose For purchase of New Vehicle (Two Wheelers) for personal use.
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Vehicle Loan - Four Wheelers

Purpose For purchase of New Vehicle (Four Wheeler) for personal use.
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Home Renovation - Only for Existing Home Loan Borrowers

For Major Renovation of Flat i.e. for Buying Furniture for entire flat, complete New Kitchen Set Up.
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